Data protection

Notice on data processing for this website in accordance with Article 13 EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) regarding the collection of personal data of the person concerned.

Data protection notices (Version: GDPR 2.0 dated January 7, 2021)
Urban GmbH & Co. Maschinenbau KG is responsible for this website and, as provider of a teleservice, have to inform you at the beginning of your visit about the type, scope and pur-pose of the collection and use of personal data in a precise, transparent, understandable and easily accessible form in a clear and simple language. These contents must be available to you at all times.

We attach great importance to the security of your data in compliance with data protection regulations. Processing of personal data is subject to the currently valid provisions of the European and national laws.

With the following data protection information, we would like to show you how we deal with your personal data and how you can contact us:

Urban GmbH & Co. Maschinenbau KG
Dornierstraße 5
D-87700 Memmingen

Commercial register #: HRA 8463
Managing directors: Josef Urban, Martin Urban, Peter Urban

Tel.: +49 8331 858-0
Fax: +49 8331 858-58


Our data protection supervisor
Sven Lenz
Datenschutzkanzlei Lenz GmbH & Co. KG

Bahnhofstraße 50
87435 Kempten

In case of any questions referring to legal data protection affairs, you may send an email to the following address:

A.      General
For better understanding, we do not make any gender-specific distinctions. In the sense of equal treatment, the corresponding terms apply to all genders. For terminologies used such as "personal data" or their "processing", please see Art. 4 GDPR.
Personal data being processed in the scope within this website refer to:
- Inventory data (e.g. customers’s names and adresses),
- Contract data (e.g. services used),
- Usage data (e.g. pages visted on our website) and
- Content data (e.g. entries in online form sheets).

B.     Specific
Data protection notices
You may rest assured that we will pocess your data only in relation with the treatment of your inquiry as well as for internal purposes and to perform services you asked for or to make contents available.

Basics of data processing
We only process your personal data in compliance with the relevant data protection provisions.

The legal bases are:
-Performance of our contractual services
- Processing is required by law
- Availability of your electronic approval (e.g. getting registered for Newsletter)
- Enforcements of our legal interests

We would like to show you where the before mentioned legal bases are regulated:

Process to fulfill our services and performance of contractual measures.
Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b) GDPR

Process to fulfill our legal obligations
Art. 6 para. 1 lit. c) GDPR

Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a) and Art. 7 GDPR

Process to protect our legimitate interests
Art. 6 para. 1 lit.f) GDPR

Data transfer to third parties
There will be no data transfer to third parties.

Data transfer to a third country or an international organization
Third countries are countries in which the GDPR is no directly applicable law. This refers generally to all countries outside the EU respectively the European Economic Area.

There will be no data transfer to a third country or an international organization without a legal basis.

Storage period of your personal data

We observe the principles of data economy and data avoidance. This means that we store your data only as long as necessary to fulfill the before mentioned purposes respectively the various storage periods as determined by law. If the respective purpose does not apply respectively after expiry of the corresponding deadlines, your data will be routinely blocked respectively deleted according to the the legal provisions.

For this purpose we developed an internal concept to ensure this procedure.

If you get in touch with us via the website, you agree with the electronic communication. Personal data are processed within the scope of electronic contact with us. The information you provide us with will be exclusively stored for handling the inquiry as well as for possible further questions.

In this regard we would like to inform you about the legal basis:

• Processing to fulfill our services and to carry out our contractual measures
Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b) GDPR

Please note that unauthorized and unnoticed reading and changing of emails may happen during transmission. Moreover, we want to draw your attention to the fact that we apply a software to filter unrequested emails (spam filter). Thanks to the spam filter, emails can also be rejected that were erroneously identified as spam based on certain features.

What are your rights?

a) Right to information
You have the right to get free information about your data stored. By request, we inform you in writing about your personal data that we stored. This also includes origin and recipients of your data as well as the purpose of data processing.

b) Right to correction
You have the right to get your stored data rectified in case of any incorrectnesses. Here you can ask for restricted processing e.g. when correctness of your personal data is disputed.

c) Right to block
Furthermore, you can have your data blocked. In order to be able to take the blocking of your data into account at any time, these data need to be retained in a blocking file for control purposes.

d) Right to deletion
You can ask for the deletion of your personal data provided that there are no statutory retention obligations. Should such an obligation exist, we will block your data by request. If the corresponding legal requirements are met, we will delete your personal data even without your request.

e) Right to data portability
You are entitled to ask for the personal data transmitted to us in a format allowing the transmission to another location.

f) Right to complain at a supervising authority
You have the possibility in case of complaints to address to one of the supervising authorities in charge of data protection.

Bayerisches Landesamt für Datenschutzaufsicht (BayLDA)
Promenade 27, 91522 Ansbach, Deutschland
Phone: +49 981 53-1300
Telefax: +49 981 53-981300

The complaint form sheet can be opened via the following link:

Note: A complaint can also be adressed to any supervising authoritiy in charge of data protection within the EC.

g) Right to object
You have the possibility at any time for reasons resulting from your particular situation to object to the processing of your data as per Art. 6 para. 1 (e) and (f); this also applies to profiling based on these provisions.

Urban GmbH & Co. Maschinenbau KG will then stop processing your personal data unless they can
prove that there are compelling and legitimate reasons for processing which outweigh your interest, rights and freedoms or processing serves to assert, exercise or defend legal claims.

In case that personal data are processed for direct advertising, you have the right at any time to object processing of personal data affecting you for the purpose of such kind of advertisement; this also applies to profiling insofar as it is associated with such kind of direct advertisement. In case of such an objection, we will no longer process you personal data for the purpose of direct
advertisement. It will be sufficient to send us a corresponding email.

h) Right of withdrawal
You have the possibility at any time to withdraw your approval -without giving any reasons- to
process your data with effect for the future. In case of a withdrawal, there will arise no disadvantages for you. It will be sufficient to send us a corresponding email.

Such a withdrawal does not affect the legality of the processing that was carried out up to the time of withdrawal based on legal grounds of Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a) DSGVO.

In order to assert your data subject rights, please send an email to the following address:

Protection of your personal data
We take contractual, technical and organizational safety measures based on the state of the art to make sure that data protection laws are observed and thus to protect processed data against
accidental or intentional manipulations, loss, destruction or against access by unauthorized persons.

In particular encrypted data transmission between your browser and our server belong to these safety measures. For this purpose, a 128-bit-SSL (AES 128) encryption technique is applied.

Your personal data are protected within the scope ot the following points (excerpt):
a) Confidential treatment of your personal data.
In order to maintain confidentiality of your data stored with us, we took various measures to control access.

b) Maintaining integrity of your personal data
In order to maintain integrity of your data stored with us, we took various measures for transfer and input control.

c) Maintaining availability of your personal data
In order to maintain the availability of your data stored with us, we took various measures for order and availability control.

The safety measures being applied are continuously improved in compliance with the technological
development. Despite these precautionary measures, we cannot guarantee for the safety of your data transfer to our website because of the uncertain nature of the internet. Because of this,
any data transfer is at your own risk.

Protection of minors
Personal information by persons having not yet completed the age of 16 can only be made available in case of the express consent of the legal guardian. These data will be processed in compliance with the data protection notice.

The provider of the pages automatically collects and stores information in so-called
server-log-files being automatically transferred to us by your browser which are:

• Browser type and browser version
• Operating system in use
• Referrer URL
• Time and server inquiry
• IP-Adresse

Merging these data with other data sources will not be done.

Basis for data processing is our legitimate interest in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f) GDPR.

Cookies are small text files that are locally stored in the intermediate storage of your internet
browser. Cookies allow, among others, recognition of the interest browser. The files are used to help the browser to navigate through the website and to make full use of all functions.

We only use system-relevant cookies.

Matomo (formerly Piwik) without Cookies
Certain user information are collected and stored on this website using the web analytics service software Matomo (, a service of provider InnoCraft Ltd., 150 Willis St, 6011 Wellington, New Zealand, („Matomo“). Based on these information, pseudonymised user profiles can be generated and evaluated. Information acquired through Matomo technol-ogy (including your
pseudonymised IP address), are processed on our servers. Matomo is used on this website exclusively without applying cookies%